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Details mentioned prior to October 2021, is the history of AIZAWA SECURITIES GROUP CO., LTD. (Parent company of AIZAWA SECURITIES CO., LTD.)

July 1918
The founder,Yahachi Aizawa, establishes Minatoya Shoten and begins operations on the former Tokyo Stock Exchange as a regular member of the exchange.
October 1933
Aizawa Shoten (paid-in capital of ¥1 million) is established in Nihonbashi Ward of Tokyo to operate a securities business.
October 1948
Corporate name is changed to Aizawa Securities Co., Ltd.
September 1957
Yahachi Aizawa is appointed as the third chairperson of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
April 1968
License as a securities business is acquired accompanying the shift to a licensing system for the securities business.
January 1989
Capital increases from ¥1,702 million to ¥3,202 million, and the Company is upgraded to a general securities company.
October 1999
Internet trading service Blue Trade is launched accompanying the liberalization of stock brokerage commissions.
June 2000
Machida Branch is established as the first complex branch (providing guidance for both over-the-counter trading and Internet trading at the branch).
August 2000
Trading for Asian stocks in Hong Kong, South Korea, and Taiwan begins through Internet trading service Blue Trade, and the Asian business network is launched.
December 2001
Shanghai B shares and Shenzhen B shares begin to be handled.
October 2002
Merger with Hiraoka Securities is completed (headquartered in Osaka) (capital increases to ¥5,000 million).
February 2006
Listing on the JASDAQ Securities Exchange is completed and increases capital to ¥8,000 million.
October 2006
Stocks from Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia begin to be handled.
December 2006
Discretionary investment management service "Aizawa SMA Blue Wrap" begins after acquiring permission for discretionary investment contract services.
August 2008
Aizawa Securities Shanghai Representative Office in Shanghai, China is established.
February 2009
Investment in and establishment of Japan Securities (formerly, Sakura Securities Joint Stock Company) in Vietnam is completed.
August 2009
Stocks from Vietnam, Indonesia and Philippines begin to be handled.
January 2010
Stocks from Israel begin to be handled through Internet trading account Blue Trade, resulting in handling twelve Asian stock markets through three channels.
May 2010
Distinguished business award from the Korea Financial Investment Association is received in recognition of initiatives in South Korean capital markets.
October 2010
Listing on JASDAQ (Standard) of Osaka Securities Exchange is completed along with integration of the Hercules market and the JASDAQ market of Osaka Securities Exchange Co., Ltd.
April 2013
Certified as SME Revitalization Support Committee
May 2013
YAHATA SECURITIES CO., LTD. (headquarter in Hiroshima Prefecture) becomes a wholly-owned subsidiary.
January 2015
Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect begins to be handled.
March 2015
Alteration to 1st Section of Tokyo Stock Exchange from JASDAQ is completed.
February 2016
Merger with YAHATA SECURITIES CO., LTD. is completed.
October 2016
Fund wrap service "AIZAWA FUND WRAP" begins.
December 2016
Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect begins to be handled.
March 2017
Japan Asia Securities Co.,Ltd. (headquarter in Tokyo) becomes a wholly-owned subsidiary.
June 2018
JAPAN SECURITIES INCORPORATED(Vietnam) becomes a subsidiary.
July 2018
Merger with Japan Asia Securities Co.,Ltd. is completed.
April 2019
Discretionary investment management service "Aizawa SMA Super Blue Wrap" begins.
April 2021
For the transition to holding company structure, AIZAWA SECURITIES DIVISION PREPARATION CO., LTD. is established as a wholly-owned subsidiary.
August 2021
Moved headquarters within Tokyo from Nihonbashi (Chuo-ward) to Higashi-Shimbashi (Minato-ward)
October 2021
Transited to Holding company structure.
August 2023
Goal based approach wrap service "Smile Goal" begins.